Mobile Homes and Park Models
$377.00 per month, plus electric, for 12 months
RV’s – Permanent
$377.00 per month, plus electric, for 12 months
RV’s – Seasonal
We offer 5/7 month agreements as follows; pay minimum
5 months at $377.00 per month, plus electric, and a $45.00 per month
storage fee while you are away (whether RV is on-site or off-site).
*We will guarantee your reserved same site each season.
RV’s-Temporary: Less than 5 month Commitment
$45.00 per night, $210.00 per week, $600.00 per month
1 month max, or $377.00 per month plus electric
*No guarantee for following year. Must reserve spot in advance.
Overnight/Short-Timers~Less than a Month
Water and electric only along the East fence and along the
West overflow (lower end of park)
$25.00 per night, $150.00 per week or $500.00 per month.
On Property Storage Facility
RV Storage $50.00 per month (Storage Yard)
Mini Storage $45/mo
All pets MUST be approved by management
For Reservations and Information Please Call:
*Please Note: Rates are subject to change without notice.